Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday Night Raw

I've spent the last few day posting about my story, but today I am just going to worry about today.  I wanted to focus on today because my blood sugars have been on point today!  If my CGM (continuous glucose monitor) was on- today would be considered a "flat line" for sure!  I haven't had a good day like that in a while.  I must have my mo-jo back.  It's been a long few weeks with my husband undergoing open heart surgery, the holidays and work.  All of that combined made it very hard to manage.  I'm feeling more in control and having a good day like today makes it easier to have good vibes for tomorrow.

So tonight as I focus on the good for my day I sit here watching WWE's Monday Night Raw.  It's something my friends and I used to do together in a friends basement before diabetes.  Those are the days I miss for sure...

I don't miss watching wrestling per say, just the memories I have of not having to worry.

However, I nailed it today and I'm proud and not worried about tomorrow.

Now I just can't wait for The Rock to make his appearance.  He was always my favorite. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. You know, sometimes some wrestling on TV is exactly what you need.

    "Can you smeeeellllll what the Rock is cookin'?!"
